Tuesday 30 April 2024

The Joy of Parenthood!


One of the joys of parenthood is seeing your child excel in life. Doing what they love, going to places they love. Places you may not go or aspire to go.

I was over joyed, watching some sights and sounds of Venice where my daughter was part of the team that represented her organization, MOWAA, at the 2024 Biennial; and by extension also represented Nigeria, her country of birth. As a global citizen, living and working out of London, she gets to interact and visit with teams spread across the globe.

For any parents, struggling to raise their children in these challenging times, I encourage you to trust God and do the best you can for them. In due time, you will reap the fruits of your labor. Because your children will succeed and do stuff you couldn’t; they will make you proud!…


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