Saturday 6 July 2024



If there is a course titled “Bible Scriptures 101”, then John 3:16 is likely going to be the key verse for such a course. Especially for the New Testament believer, it captures the essence of the redemptive work of Christ on the cross of Calvary:

"For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life."

Herein lies the greatest miracle available to the believer. In that single instance of belief, a substitution takes place, allowing the sinner to assume the righteousness of Christ and procure forgiveness, where there would have been condemnation and punishment for their sin. The blood of Jesus that was shed on the cross now speaks better things for the believer, unlike the blood of Abel that speaks of vengeance (Heb 12:24). Heb 10:14 makes it clearer, “For by one offering He has perfected forever those who are being sanctified.” Our life of sanctification draws from the fact that we have been called apart, contrary to the world order, to live in righteousness, holiness and victory.

From John 3:16, we can allude to the following:

1. This is a reminder of God's immense love for us and the great sacrifice He made to give us salvation

2. Jesus is the only way to receive salvation

3. Faith is the means by which we receive salvation.

4. Eternal life is a present reality for believers, not just a future hope.

We trust God, to enable us by the help of the Holy Spirit, to revisit the foundational truth of our faith. There is a clarion call to have us once again stay rooted and grounded in it, even as we forge towards living to the fullness the kind of life that comes with this salvation that we have received. The truth of our salvation through Jesus Christ is captured appropriately in Colossians 1:13:

“Who hath delivered us from the power of darkness, and hath translated us into the kingdom of his dear Son.”

We have been translated, migrated and relocated to a new place, to a new life – the life of a believer. And it is of utmost importance that we acquaint ourselves with the governing constitution of this place of new identity, that we might live and benefit from all that this new life brings. Furthermore, and most importantly, to safeguard us from the snare of the enemy, who is constantly lurking around seeking a reason to accuse us as to why we should not be a partaker of the commonwealth of Israel (Ephesians 2:12-13)

Our four-part series for the month of July, “The Believers’ Life”, explores how we can take delivery of and sustain the salvation package inherent in the finished work of Christ on the cross. Fellowship with us online or onsite, and support us with your prayers as we embark on this journey of truth.

God bless you.

#TheBeliever #Sanctification #Righteousness #Holiness #LifeOfVictory #EdenSquareChristianAssembly #JulySeries #EdenSquareTv #BasilChukwuezi #JoinUsThisSunday

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