Saturday 1 June 2024



For the believer, God has made enough provisions to live a successful Christian life. Besides the rain from heaven and fruitful seasons available to all creature, we have the name of Jesus, the blood of Jesus, the Holy Spirit and the angels, among other empowerments. While we are quick to apply the name and blood of Jesus in our prayers and seek the help of the Holy Spirit in our daily living, we seem to ignore or out rightly deny the existence and ministry of the angels.

The Greek term aggelos, from which the word angel and its Hebrew equivalent derive, refers to human or heavenly messengers; though used exclusively in the latter sense throughout the New Testament. They are the ambassadors of God. In Hebrews 1:14, the Bible says: "Are they (angels) not all ministering spirits, sent forth to minister for those who will inherit salvation?" In this context, the "ministry of angels" refers to the role of angels as spiritual beings created by God to serve and assist those who will inherit salvation, meaning believers in Christ. According to this verse, angels are:

1. Ministering spirits (servants)

2. Sent by God

3. Tasked with ministering (serving) those who will inherit salvation (believers)

This verse highlights the important role angels play in serving and helping believers, and that as believers, we are not alone. Assigned to every believer are innumerable companies of angels waiting to receive instruction for them to work in our favour. The Bible tells wonderful stories of men whose understanding and effective use of the ministry of angels have brought them deliverance and breakthroughs. One profound story is of the Prophet Elisha and his servant Gehazi (2 Kings. 6:12-18). Elisha - one man was attacked by the Syrian army, with their chariots ready for war. And reasonably, his servant - Gehazi panicked, seeing that they had been outnumbered and clearly, what would two unskilled fighters do against such a mighty army? But here we see a turnaround in the situation when the prophet asks that the Lord would open the eyes of his servants that he might see.  The aftermath of this was that Gehazi was bedazzled at the chariots of fire and numbers of angels made available to them, who then went ahead to bring them victory.

Abraham understood and deployed the ministry of the angels when he assigned his servant the difficult task of getting a bride for Isaac (Gen. 24:6-7). God is reminding us in this season that He has made provision for angels to assist us in the journey of life and destiny. We need to activate them. Join us online or on-site this and every Sunday, as we journey through this life transforming theme.

God bless you.

#Angels #MinistryOfAngels #AngelsOfGod #AngelService #EdenSquareChristianAssembly #JuneSeries #EdenSquareTv #BasilChukwuezi #JoinUsThisSunday



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