Friday 12 July 2024




#Provisions of God!..


Psalms 68:7-8 When you, God, went out before your people, when you marched through the wilderness, the earth shook, the heavens poured down rain, before God, the One of Sinai, before God, the God of Israel.

#Leading of God!

Psalms 68:9-10 You gave abundant showers, O God; you refreshed your weary inheritance. Your people settled in it, and from your bounty, God, you provided for the poor.

#Provisions of God!

Psalms 68:11-12 The Lord announces the word, and the women who proclaim it are a mighty throng: “Kings and armies flee in haste; the women at home divide the plunder.

#Declarations of God!

Psalms 68:13-14 Even while you sleep among the sheep pens, the wings of my dove are sheathed with silver, its feathers with shining gold.” When the Almighty scattered the kings in the land, it was like snow fallen on Mount Zalmon. the wings of my dove are sheathed with silver, its feathers with shining gold.”

Let us pray: Father God, we thank you for protecting us in the name of Jesus

#Life questions and meditation:

1. Do you allow the leading of God?

2. Do appreciate the provisions of God? 

#WordDiary#TheWordtoLiveBy#StartWithGod#TakeTheWordChallenge #EdenSquareChristianAssembly#Edensquaretv#BasilChukwuezi

These verses and the accompanying nuggets are meant to start you out every day. But you need a personal relationship with God and the Lord Jesus Christ. It will help to contact a Bible believing church near you.

For comments, questions and general counsel follow me at basil.chukwuezi on Facebook,  @BasilChukwuezi on Twitter, Instagram, basilchukwuezi and my blog, Email: All scriptures are from the New International Version (NIV). Please kindly like and share to others. God bless you.

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